Well I thought I'd try my hand at this blog thing too. This is our first attempt (joint or otherwise) at creating a blog, so while we're still on the same continent, we'll try to tweak any bugs.
So why the obsession with Stephanie? We have often been caught out talking about her like she's a good friend of ours, only to have to explain to unsuspecting friends that actually, it's a cooking bible written by a wonderful Australian chef who works with lots of fresh, local produce. We have both owned this book for years, and some of our favourite dishes have come from The Cook's Companion. I remember buying Mum one of the first editions years and years ago.
Why do we love it so much? Well it's pretty simple, actually. Aside from the informative introductions for each section, it really is like a bible, or a dictionary. If I have ever been given lots of, say, lemons, I would just thumb through the lemon section and have a look at the many recipes where I could use this core ingredient. There are just so many useful tips in this book, and if I was only allowed to have one cookbook, this would definitely be my all-rounder.
The purpose of this blog is to try and keep the two of us sane while we are nearly 17,000 km apart. This is probably the biggest challenge, considering we have lived 5.7 km from each other for the past two years.